Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
state_name text Name of State
state_code text LGD Code of States
approved numeric Number of cases approved for the service.
pending numeric Number of cases pending for approval.
rejected numeric Number of cases rejected.
district_name text Name of District
district_code text LGD Code of District
block_name text Name of the block within the district.
block_code text LGD Code of Block
filling_date text Date when the case was filled.
trans_date text Transaction date related to the case.
service_name text Name of the service provided by the WCD department.
service_id numeric Unique identifier for the service.
id int4

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated August 11, 2023
Metadata last updated August 11, 2023
Created June 19, 2023
Format CSV
License Open Data Commons Attribution License
Additional infonan
Data insightsSome general insights that could potentially be derived from the dataset: Analysis of the number of approved, pending, and rejected cases for different services provided by the WCD department, Evaluation of the efficiency of the department in processing and approving cases, Identification of the districts or blocks with the highest number of approved or pending cases, Assessment of the turnaround time for case approvals and identification of any delays or bottlenecks, Comparison of the number of rejected cases across different services and areas to identify potential issues or discrepancies.
Data last updatednan
Data retreival date2,023
Datastore activeTrue
District no12
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyFalse
No indicators3
Package id4af52a31-2b8b-42aa-a2fe-d1e26d19f779
Size658.4 KiB
States uts no1
Tehsil no75
Url typeupload
Years covered2020-2023
Similar Resources
Granularity Level Block
Data Extraction Page
Data Retreival Date 2023
Data Last Updated nan
Dataset Frequency Monthly
Years Covered 2020-2023
No of States/UT(s) 1
No of Districts 12
No of Tehsils/blocks 75
No of Gram Panchayats
Additional Information nan
Number of Indicators 3
Insights from the dataset Some general insights that could potentially be derived from the dataset: Analysis of the number of approved, pending, and rejected cases for different services provided by the WCD department, Evaluation of the efficiency of the department in processing and approving cases, Identification of the districts or blocks with the highest number of approved or pending cases, Assessment of the turnaround time for case approvals and identification of any delays or bottlenecks, Comparison of the number of rejected cases across different services and areas to identify potential issues or discrepancies.
IDP Ready No