Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id int4 index
date date Date
state_name text State Name
state_code text State Code
district_name text District Name
district_code text District Code
block_name text Block Name
block_code text Block Code
villages_surveyed numeric Villages Surveyed
tot_pop numeric Total Population
pop_male numeric Male Population
pop_female numeric Female Population
tot_hh numeric Total Household
bank numeric Availability of banks
bank_dist_l1km numeric Bank distance < 1 km
bank_dist_2km numeric Bank Distance1-2km
bank_dist_5km numeric Bank Distance 2-5km
bank_dist_10km numeric Bank Distance 5-10Km
bank_dist_g10_km numeric Bank Distance >10Km
bc_w_internet numeric Availability of Business Correspondent with internet connectivity
atm numeric Availability of ATM
internet_bb numeric Availability of Internet broadband services
all_weather_road numeric Whether the village is connected to All weather road
cc_road_full numeric Fully covered Internal Pucca Roads
cc_road_partial numeric Partially covered Internal Pucca Roads
cc_road_not numeric Not covered Internal Pucca Roads
pub_trans_bus numeric Availiability of Public Transport - Bus
pub_trans_van numeric Availiability of Public Transport - Van
pub_trans_auto numeric Availiability of Public Transport - Auto
pub_trans_no numeric Public Transport not available
railway numeric Availability of Railway Station
csc_panchayat numeric Common Service Centre Co-located with Panchayat Bhawan
csc_seperate numeric Common Service Centre Separately located
csc_not numeric Common Service Centre Not available
elec_domes_1hrs numeric Availability of electricity for domestic use, <1hrs
elec_domes_4hrs numeric Availability of electricity for domestic use, 1-4 hrs
elec_domes_8hrs numeric Availability of electricity for domestic use, 4-8 hrs
elec_domes_12hrs numeric Availability of electricity for domestic use, 8-12 hrs
elec_domes_no numeric No electricity for domestic use
elec_msme numeric Availability of electricity Supply to MSME Units
pds numeric Availability of Public Distribution System (PDS)
mandi numeric Markets - Mandis
reg_mkt numeric Markets - Regular market
weekly_haat numeric Markets - weekly haat
mkt_na numeric Markets not available
tap_100 numeric Piped tap water, 100% habitations covered
tap_50 numeric Piped tap water, 50-100%habitations covered
tap_l50 numeric Piped tap water, < 50% habitation covered
tap_one_hab numeric Piped tap water, only one habitation is covered
tap_na numeric Piped tap water, not covered
tel_ll numeric Availability of telephone services, Landline
tel_mob numeric Availability of telephone services, Mobile
tel_both numeric Availability of telephone services, Both Landline and Mobile
tel_na numeric Telephone Services not available
clean_energy_hhs numeric Total no of household using clean energy (LPG/Bio gas)
solar_wind_elect numeric Use of Solar Energy/Wind Energy for electrification of the house
kuccha_hhs numeric No of household with kuccha wall and kuccha roof
po_sub_po numeric Availability of Post office/Sub-Post office
panch_bhawan numeric Availability of Panchayat Bhawan
pib_na numeric Public Information Board Not Available
pib_av_upd numeric Public Information Board Available and updated
pib_av_not_upd numeric Public Information Board Available but not updated
prim_school numeric Primary School Availability
middle_school numeric Middle School Availability
high_school numeric High School Availability
high_second_school numeric Higher/SeniorSecondarySchool Availability
degree_clg numeric Degree College Availability
school_college_na numeric School and Degree College not available
public_library numeric Availability of Public Library
indoor_sports numeric Indoor Playground
outdoor_sports numeric Sports Playground
both_sports numeric Both indoor and outdoor recreational centre/
no_sports numeric No Sports Facility
vocational numeric Availability of Vocational Educational centre/ITI/RSETI/DDU-GKY
chc numeric CHC availability
phc numeric PHC availability
subcentre numeric Sub Centre availability
no_health numeric No health centre available
subcentre_l1km numeric Availability of a subcentre with a distance < 1 km
subcentre_2km numeric Availability of a subcentre with a distance 1-2km
subcentre_5km numeric Availability of a subcentre with a distance 2-5km
subcentre_10km numeric Availability of a subcentre with a distance 5-10Km
subcentre_g10km numeric Availability of a subcentre with a distance >10Km
veterinary numeric Availability of Veterinary Clinic Hospital
veterinary_l1km numeric Availability of a subcentre with a distance < 1 km
veterinary_2km numeric Availability of a subcentre with a distance 1-2km
veterinary_5km numeric Availability of a subcentre with a distance 2-5km
veterinary_10km numeric Availability of a subcentre with a distance 5-10Km
veterinary_g10km numeric Availability of a subcentre with a distance >10Km
closed_drain numeric Availability of Closed drainage
pucca_slab_drain numeric Availability of open pucca drainage covered with tiles slab
pucca_uncovered_drain numeric Availability of open pucca drainage uncovered
kuchha_drain numeric Availability of open kuccha drainage
no_drain numeric No drainage facility
pcomm_pasture numeric Common pastures

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated June 24, 2024
Metadata last updated June 25, 2024
Created June 24, 2024
Format CSV
License No License Provided
Additional infonan
Data extraction page
Data insightsThe Mission Antyodaya dataset for Himachal Pradesh provides valuable insights into block-level infrastructure. It highlights the availability of banking services, including proximity to banks and ATMs, and the presence of business correspondents with internet connectivity. The data reveals the extent of road connectivity, showing which villages have all-weather roads and access to public transport. It also covers utility services, detailing the availability and reliability of electricity for domestic use and MSME units. Additionally, the dataset shows the coverage of piped tap water across villages, identifying areas with full, partial, or no coverage.
Data last updated2019-2020
Data retreival date2019-2020
Datastore activeTrue
District no12
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyTrue
MethodologyAnnual survey in Gram Panchayats across the country is an important aspect of Mission Antyodaya framework. Data on 29 transferred subjects at GP-level are collected through the Survey and are used for generating GP-wise ranking and Gap Reports. While the ranking exercise would provide some understanding over the relative success of convergent planning at GP-level, the Gap Reports serves as critical inputs for the GPDP planning.
No indicators87
Package id6147fa80-5655-4800-aa38-b842cc79d69c
Size41.6 KiB
States uts no1
Tehsil no80
Url typeupload
Years covered2,020
Methodology Annual survey in Gram Panchayats across the country is an important aspect of Mission Antyodaya framework. Data on 29 transferred subjects at GP-level are collected through the Survey and are used for generating GP-wise ranking and Gap Reports. While the ranking exercise would provide some understanding over the relative success of convergent planning at GP-level, the Gap Reports serves as critical inputs for the GPDP planning.
Similar Resources
Granularity Level Block
Data Extraction Page
Data Retreival Date 2019-2020
Data Last Updated 2019-2020
Sku mord-mission_antyodaya-bl-ot-him
Dataset Frequency Yearly
Years Covered 2020.0
No of States/UT(s) 1
No of Districts 12
No of Tehsils/blocks 80
No of Gram Panchayats
Additional Information nan
Number of Indicators 87
Insights from the dataset The Mission Antyodaya dataset for Himachal Pradesh provides valuable insights into block-level infrastructure. It highlights the availability of banking services, including proximity to banks and ATMs, and the presence of business correspondents with internet connectivity. The data reveals the extent of road connectivity, showing which villages have all-weather roads and access to public transport. It also covers utility services, detailing the availability and reliability of electricity for domestic use and MSME units. Additionally, the dataset shows the coverage of piped tap water across villages, identifying areas with full, partial, or no coverage.
IDP Ready Yes