Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id int4 index
year date Year
state_name text State(s)
state_code text State Code
district_name text District(s)
district_code text District code
farm_size_class text Farm size class
farm_size_category text Farm size category
crop_name text Crop(s)
crop_type text Crop Type
crop_code text Crop Code
water_source text Availability of Irrigation Facility
hol_c_tn numeric Total No.of Holdings Growing the Crop
hol_mr1_chem_n numeric No.of Holdings Growing the Crop Treated With One or More Chemical Fertilizers
hyv_c1_ar numeric Area Under the Crop: High Yielding Variety (HYV)
ot_c1_ar numeric Area Under the Crop: Others
tot_c1_ar numeric Area Under the Crop: Total
tot_c1_trmr1_chem_a numeric Total Area Under the Crop Treated With One or More Chemical Fertilizers
tq_ntr_totn numeric Total Quantity Of Nutrients Applied : Nitrogen (N)
tq_ntr_totp numeric Total Quantity Of Nutrients Applied : Phosphorus (P)
tq_ntr_totk numeric Total Quantity Of Nutrients Applied : Potassium (K)
hol_c_mnr_n numeric No.of Holdings Growing the Crop Treated With the Manure (FYM/COMPOST/BIOGAS)
tot_c_ar_tr_mnr numeric Total Area Under the Crop Treated With The Manure (FYM/COMPOST/BIOGAS)
tq_mnr_tot numeric Total Quantity of The Manure (FYM/COMPOST/BIOGAS) Applied
hol_c_mnr_n_oil numeric No. of Holdings Growing the Crop Treated With the Manure (OIL CAKES)
tot_c_ar_tr_mnr_oil numeric Total Area Under the Crop Treated With The Manure (OIL CAKES)
tq_mnr_tot_oil numeric Total Quantity of The Manure (OIL CAKES) Applied
hol_c_mnr_n_org numeric No. of Holdings Growing the Crop Treated With the Manure (OTHER ORG. MANURES)
tot_c_ar_tr_mnr_org numeric Total Area Under the Crop Treated With The Manure (OTHER ORG. MANURES)
tq_mnr_tot_org numeric Total Quantity of The Manure (OTHER ORG. MANURES) Applied
hol_c1_n_pes numeric No. of Holdings Growing the Crop Treated With the Pesticide
tot_c1_ar_tr_pes numeric Total Area Under the Crop Treated With The Pesticide
hol_c1_mnr_n_rzm numeric No. of Holdings Growing the Crop Treated With the Manure (RHIZOBIUM)
tot_c1_ar_tr_mnr_rzm numeric Total Area Under the Crop Treated With The Manure (RHIZOBIUM)
hol_c1_mnr_n_azr numeric No. of Holdings Growing the Crop Treated With the Manure (AZETOBACTOR)
tot_c1_ar_tr_mnr_azr numeric Total Area Under the Crop Treated With The Manure (AZETOBACTOR)
hol_c1_mnr_n_bga numeric No. of Holdings Growing the Crop Treated With the Manure (BLUE GREEN ALGAE)
tot_c1_ar_tr_mnr_bga numeric Total Area Under the Crop Treated With The Manure (BLUE GREEN ALGAE)
hol_c1_mnr_n_psb numeric No. of Holdings Growing the Crop Treated With the Manure Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB)
tot_c1_ar_tr_mnr_psb numeric Total Area Under the Crop Treated With The Manure Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB)
hol_c1_mnr_n_gmnr numeric No. of Holdings Growing the Crop Treated With the Manure (GREEN MANURE)
tot_c1_ar_tr_mnr_gmnr numeric Total Area Under the Crop Treated With The Manure (GREEN MANURE)

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated December 3, 2024
Metadata last updated December 3, 2024
Created December 3, 2024
Format CSV
License Open Data Commons Attribution License
Additional infoNumber of Crops = 25
Data extraction page
Data insightsThe Agricultural Input Consumption Survey Dataset for Himachal Pradesh offers insights crucial for optimizing resource allocation by farm size, projecting chemical fertilizer demand, and promoting high-yielding seed varieties. It guides precise pest management strategies, encourages sustainable practices like organic manure and bio-fertilizer adoption, and informs irrigation infrastructure planning. The dataset also addresses regional disparities in input consumption and tailors agricultural credit based on farm sizes and input use, while exploring demographic influences on agricultural practices for informed decision-making and sustainable agriculture in the state.
Data last updated2016-17
Data retreival date2022-23
Datastore activeTrue
District no12
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyTrue
MethodologyThe "Input Survey" dataset in the domain of Food and Agriculture is collected by the Agricultural Census Division, which operates under the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation within the Ministry of Agriculture. This survey focuses on the agricultural sector and gathers information at the district level. The data is collected quinquennially, meaning it is conducted every five years. The survey aims to provide comprehensive insights into various aspects of agriculture, including crop production, land use, livestock, and related practices across different districts. The information gathered through this survey plays a crucial role in shaping agricultural policies and strategies at both regional and national levels, ultimately contributing to the sustainable development of the food and agriculture sector in the country.
No indicators17
Package idc642cc06-44fa-486d-aeb0-f5942e2210a9
Size353.4 KiB
States uts no1
Url typeupload
Years covered2011-17
Methodology The "Input Survey" dataset in the domain of Food and Agriculture is collected by the Agricultural Census Division, which operates under the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation within the Ministry of Agriculture. This survey focuses on the agricultural sector and gathers information at the district level. The data is collected quinquennially, meaning it is conducted every five years. The survey aims to provide comprehensive insights into various aspects of agriculture, including crop production, land use, livestock, and related practices across different districts. The information gathered through this survey plays a crucial role in shaping agricultural policies and strategies at both regional and national levels, ultimately contributing to the sustainable development of the food and agriculture sector in the country.
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Granularity Level District
Data Extraction Page
Data Retreival Date 2022-23
Data Last Updated 2016-17
Sku moafw-input_survey_crop-dt-qq-him
Dataset Frequency Quinquennially
Years Covered 2011-17
No of States/UT(s) 1
No of Districts 12
No of Tehsils/blocks
No of Gram Panchayats
Additional Information Number of Crops = 25
Number of Indicators 17
Insights from the dataset The Agricultural Input Consumption Survey Dataset for Himachal Pradesh offers insights crucial for optimizing resource allocation by farm size, projecting chemical fertilizer demand, and promoting high-yielding seed varieties. It guides precise pest management strategies, encourages sustainable practices like organic manure and bio-fertilizer adoption, and informs irrigation infrastructure planning. The dataset also addresses regional disparities in input consumption and tailors agricultural credit based on farm sizes and input use, while exploring demographic influences on agricultural practices for informed decision-making and sustainable agriculture in the state.
IDP Ready Yes