Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id int4 index
year text Year
state_code text State Code
state_name text State Name
sector text Sector
gender text Gender
gen_edu_not_lit numeric % not literate, 15 years +
gen_edu_primary numeric % primary education, 15 years +
gen_edu_middle numeric % middle school, 15 years +
gen_edu_secondary numeric % secondary school, 15 years +
gen_edu_higher_secondary numeric % higher secondary, 15 years +
gen_edu_dip_cert numeric % diploma/certificate, 15 years +
gen_edu_grad numeric % graduate, 15 years +
gen_edu_post_grad_above numeric % post graduate and above, 15 years +
gen_edu_secondary_above numeric % secondary and above, 15 years +
usual_self_own_account numeric % self-employed, own account
usual_self_helper numeric % self-employed, helper
usual_self_all numeric % all self-employed
usual_wage_salary numeric % wage/salary workers
usual_casual_labour numeric % casual laborers
lfpr_not_lit numeric Labour Force Participation Rate(LFPR) not literate, 15 years +
lfpr_primary numeric Labour Force Participation Rate(LFPR) primary, 15 years +
lfpr_middle numeric Labour Force Participation Rate(LFPR) middle school, 15 years +
lfpr_secondary numeric Labour Force Participation Rate(LFPR) secondary, 15 years +
lfpr_higher_secondary numeric Labour Force Participation Rate(LFPR) higher secondary, 15 years +
lfpr_dip_cert numeric Labour Force Participation Rate(LFPR) diploma/certificate, 15 years +
lfpr_grad numeric Labour Force Participation Rate(LFPR) graduate, 15 years +
lfpr_post_grad numeric Labour Force Participation Rate(LFPR) post graduate+, 15 years +
lfpr_secondary_above numeric Labour Force Participation Rate(LFPR) secondary+, 15 years +
wpr_not_lit numeric Worker Population Ratio(WPR) not literate, 15 years +
wpr_primary numeric Worker Population Ratio(WPR) primary, 15 years +
wpr_middle numeric Worker Population Ratio(WPR) middle school, 15 years +
wpr_secondary numeric Worker Population Ratio(WPR) secondary, 15 years +
wpr_higher_secondary numeric Worker Population Ratio(WPR) higher secondary, 15 years +
wpr_dip_cert numeric Worker Population Ratio(WPR) diploma/certificate, 15 years +
wpr_grad numeric Worker Population Ratio(WPR) graduate, 15 years +
wpr_post_grad numeric Worker Population Ratio(WPR) post graduate and above, 15 years +
wpr_secondary_above numeric Worker Population Ratio(WPR) secondary and above, 15 years +
ur_not_lit numeric Unemployment Rate(UR) not literate, 15 years +
ur_primary numeric Unemployment Rate(UR) primary, 15 years +
ur_middle numeric Unemployment Rate(UR) middle school, 15 years +
ur_secondary numeric Unemployment Rate(UR) secondary, 15 years +
ur_higher_secondary numeric Unemployment Rate(UR) higher secondary, 15 years +
ur_dip_cert numeric Unemployment Rate(UR) diploma/certificate, 15 years +
ur_grad numeric Unemployment Rate(UR) graduate, 15 years +
ur_post_grad numeric Unemployment Rate(UR) post graduate and above, 15 years +
ur_secondary_above numeric Unemployment Rate(UR) secondary and above, 15 years +
indus_agri_forest_fish numeric % in Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
indus_mining_quarry numeric % in Mining and quarrying
indus_manufac numeric % in Manufacturing
indus_elec_gas_ac_supply numeric % in Electricity, gas, steam and AC supply
indus_water_sewer_waste_manage numeric % in Water supply; sewerage, waste management
indus_cons numeric % in Construction
indus_wholesale_retail_repair numeric % in Wholesale/retail trade; motor vehicle/motorcycle repair
indus_transport_stor numeric % in Transportation and storage
indus_acco_food numeric % in Accommodation and Food service activities
indus_infor_comm numeric % in Information and communication
indus_finan_insurance numeric % in Financial and insurance activities
indus_real_estate numeric % in Real estate activities
indus_prof_scientific_tech numeric % in Professional, scientific and technical activities
indus_admin_support_services numeric % in Administrative and support service activities
indus_pub_admin_defence numeric % in Public administration and defence; social security
indus_edu numeric % in Education
indus_human_social_work numeric % in Human health and social work activities
indus_art_entertain_rec numeric % in Arts, entertainment and recreation
indus_oth_service numeric % in Other service activities
indus_hhs_as_employers numeric % in Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated household goods/services activities
indus_extraterritorial_org numeric % in Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
lfpr_usual_mpce_0_10 numeric LFPR for UMPCE decile 0-10
lfpr_usual_mpce_10_20 numeric LFPR for UMPCE decile 10-20
lfpr_usual_mpce_20_30 numeric LFPR for UMPCE decile 20-30
lfpr_usual_mpce_30_40 numeric LFPR for UMPCE decile 30-40
lfpr_usual_mpce_40_50 numeric LFPR for UMPCE decile 40-50
lfpr_usual_mpce_50_60 numeric LFPR for UMPCE decile 50-60
lfpr_usual_mpce_60_70 numeric LFPR for UMPCE decile 60-70
lfpr_usual_mpce_70_80 numeric LFPR for UMPCE decile 70-80
lfpr_usual_mpce_80_90 numeric LFPR for UMPCE decile 80-90
lfpr_usual_mpce_90_100 numeric LFPR for UMPCE decile 90-100
lfpr_usual_mpce_all numeric LFPR for all UMPCE deciles
wpr_usual_mpce_0_10 numeric WPR for UMPCE decile 0-10
wpr_usual_mpce_10_20 numeric WPR for UMPCE decile 10-20
wpr_usual_mpce_20_30 numeric WPR for UMPCE decile 20-30
wpr_usual_mpce_30_40 numeric WPR for UMPCE decile 30-40
wpr_usual_mpce_40_50 numeric WPR for UMPCE decile 40-50
wpr_usual_mpce_50_60 numeric WPR for UMPCE decile 50-60
wpr_usual_mpce_60_70 numeric WPR for UMPCE decile 60-70
wpr_usual_mpce_70_80 numeric WPR for UMPCE decile 70-80
wpr_usual_mpce_80_90 numeric WPR for UMPCE decile 80-90
wpr_usual_mpce_90_100 numeric WPR for UMPCE decile 90-100
wpr_usual_mpce_all numeric WPR for all UMPCE deciles
ur_usual_mpce_0_10 numeric UR for UMPCE decile 0-10
ur_usual_mpce_10_20 numeric UR for UMPCE decile 10-20
ur_usual_mpce_20_30 numeric UR for UMPCE decile 20-30
ur_usual_mpce_30_40 numeric UR for UMPCE decile 30-40
ur_usual_mpce_40_50 numeric UR for UMPCE decile 40-50
ur_usual_mpce_50_60 numeric UR for UMPCE decile 50-60
ur_usual_mpce_60_70 numeric UR for UMPCE decile 60-70
ur_usual_mpce_70_80 numeric UR for UMPCE decile 70-80
ur_usual_mpce_80_90 numeric UR for UMPCE decile 80-90
ur_usual_mpce_90_100 numeric UR for UMPCE decile 90-100
ur_usual_mpce_all numeric UR for all UMPCE deciles
cws_self_own_account numeric % of self-employed or employers
cws_self_helper numeric % of helpers in self-employment
cws_self_all numeric % of all self-employed
cws_wage_salary numeric % of wage/salary earners
cws_casual_labour numeric % of casual laborers
enterprise_proprietary_partner numeric % in proprietary/partnerships
enterprise_govt_local_public numeric % in public enterprises
enterprise_autonomous numeric % in autonomous bodies
enterpirse_pub_pvt_ltd numeric % in public/private companies
enterprise_cooeprative numeric % in cooperatives
enterprise_trust_nonprofit numeric % in nonprofit organizations
enterprise_emp_hhs numeric % in employer households
enterprise_oth numeric % in other employment categories
wage_salary_july_sep numeric Q3 average monthly earnings for regular wage/salaried employees.
wage_salary_oct_dec numeric Q4 average monthly earnings for regular wage/salaried employees.
wage_salary_jan_march numeric Q1 average monthly earnings for regular wage/salaried employees.
wage_salary_apr_june numeric Q2 average monthly earnings for regular wage/salaried employees.
wage_casual_july_sep numeric Q3 average daily earnings for casual labor.
wage_casual_oct_dec numeric Q4 average daily earnings for casual labor.
wage_casual_jan_march numeric Q1 average daily earnings for casual labor.
wage_casual_apr_june numeric Q2 average daily earnings for casual labor.
earning_self_july_sep numeric Q3 average 30-day gross earnings for self-employed.
earning_self_oct_dec numeric Q4 average 30-day gross earnings for self-employed.
earning_self_jan_march numeric Q1 average 30-day gross earnings for self-employed.
earning_self_apr_june numeric Q2 average 30-day gross earnings for self-employed.
lfpr_cws_15_above numeric LFPR for ages 15+, current weekly status.
wpr_cws_15_above numeric WPR for ages 15+, current weekly status.
lfpr_usual_age_15_29 numeric LFPR for ages 15-29, usual status.
lfpr_usual_age_15_59 numeric LFPR for ages 15-59, usual status.
lfpr_usual_age_15_above numeric LFPR for ages 15+, usual status.
lfpr_usual_all numeric LFPR for all ages, usual status.
wpr_usual_age_15_29 numeric WPR for ages 15-29, usual status.
wpr_usual_age_15_59 numeric WPR for ages 15-59, usual status.
wpr_usual_age_15_above numeric WPR for ages 15+, usual status.
wpr_usual_all numeric WPR for all ages, usual status.
ur_usual_age_15_29 numeric UR for ages 15-29, usual status.
ur_usual_age_15_59 numeric UR for ages 15-59, usual status.
ur_usual_age_15_above numeric UR for ages 15+, usual status.
ur_usual_all numeric UR for all ages, usual status.
hrs_cws_july_sep_0_12 numeric % of workers with 0-12 hours worked in Q3
hrs_cws_july_sep_12_24 numeric % of workers with 12-24 hours worked in Q3
hrs_cws_july_sep_24_36 numeric % of workers with 24-36 hours worked in Q3
hrs_cws_july_sep_36_48 numeric % of workers with 36-48 hours worked in Q3
hrs_cws_july_sep_48_60 numeric % of workers with 48-60 hours worked in Q3
hrs_cws_july_sep_60_72 numeric % of workers with 60-72 hours worked in Q3
hrs_cws_july_sep_72_84 numeric % of workers with 72-84 hours worked in Q3
hrs_cws_july_sep_84above numeric % of workers with 84+ hours worked in Q3
hrs_cws_oct_dec_0_12 numeric % of workers with 0-12 hours worked in Q4
hrs_cws_oct_dec_12_24 numeric % of workers with 12-24 hours worked in Q4
hrs_cws_oct_dec_24_36 numeric % of workers with 24-36 hours worked in Q4
hrs_cws_oct_dec_36_48 numeric % of workers with 36-48 hours worked in Q4
hrs_cws_oct_dec_48_60 numeric % of workers with 48-60 hours worked in Q4
hrs_cws_oct_dec_60_72 numeric % of workers with 60-72 hours worked in Q4
hrs_cws_oct_dec_72_84 numeric % of workers with 72-84 hours worked in Q4
hrs_cws_oct_dec_84above numeric % of workers with 84+ hours worked in Q4
hrs_cws_jan_march_0_12 numeric % of workers with 0-12 hours worked in Q1
hrs_cws_jan_march_12_24 numeric % of workers with 12-24 hours worked in Q1
hrs_cws_jan_march_24_36 numeric % of workers with 24-36 hours worked in Q1
hrs_cws_jan_march_36_48 numeric % of workers with 36-48 hours worked in Q1
hrs_cws_jan_march_48_60 numeric % of workers with 48-60 hours worked in Q1
hrs_cws_jan_march_60_72 numeric % of workers with 60-72 hours worked in Q1
hrs_cws_jan_march_72_84 numeric % of workers with 72-84 hours worked in Q1
hrs_cws_jan_march_84above numeric % of workers with 84+ hours worked in Q1
hrs_cws_apr_june_0_12 numeric % of workers with 0-12 hours worked in Q2
hrs_cws_apr_june_12_24 numeric % of workers with 12-24 hours worked in Q2
hrs_cws_apr_june_24_36 numeric % of workers with 24-36 hours worked in Q2
hrs_cws_apr_june_36_48 numeric % of workers with 36-48 hours worked in Q2
hrs_cws_apr_june_48_60 numeric % of workers with 48-60 hours worked in Q2
hrs_cws_apr_june_60_72 numeric % of workers with 60-72 hours worked in Q2
hrs_cws_apr_june_72_84 numeric % of workers with 72-84 hours worked in Q2
hrs_cws_apr_june_84above numeric % of workers with 84+ hours worked in Q2

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated June 24, 2024
Metadata last updated June 25, 2024
Created June 24, 2024
Format CSV
License Open Data Commons Attribution License
Additional infonan
Data extraction pageAnnual_Report_PLFS_2018_19_HL.pdf (
Data insightsData Insights that can be drawn:Comparison of Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR), Worker Population Ratio (WPR), and Unemployment Rate (UR) across state.Educational attainment patterns and its relationship with unemployment rates.Insights into working hours distribution in different quarters of the year.Average earning patterns across different sectors and employment statuses.Distribution of workers across diverse industries.Comparative study of employment and unemployment patterns for different age groups.
Data last updated2018-19
Data retreival date1905-07-12 00:00:00
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyTrue
MethodologyThe PLFS adopts a robust methodology by surveying households across different states and union territories in India. The data is divided according to urban and rural sectors, genders, and other significant categorical variables. The survey gathers information about individuals' employment statuses, educational attainments, working hours, and earning patterns. The PLFS tracks not only conventional metrics such as LFPR, WPR, and UR but also captures the educational attainment of the workforce and the distribution of usually working persons across different industries.
No indicators166
Package id0f848e4e-ac5f-4b3b-99a3-f4e2c0c2a8d8
Size18.5 KiB
States uts no1
Url typeupload
Years covered2018-2019
Methodology The PLFS adopts a robust methodology by surveying households across different states and union territories in India. The data is divided according to urban and rural sectors, genders, and other significant categorical variables. The survey gathers information about individuals' employment statuses, educational attainments, working hours, and earning patterns. The PLFS tracks not only conventional metrics such as LFPR, WPR, and UR but also captures the educational attainment of the workforce and the distribution of usually working persons across different industries.
Similar Resources
Granularity Level State
Data Extraction Page Annual_Report_PLFS_2018_19_HL.pdf (
Data Retreival Date 1905-07-12 00:00:00
Data Last Updated 2018-19
Sku mospi-plfs-st-yr-him
Dataset Frequency Yearly
Years Covered 2018-2019
No of States/UT(s) 1
No of Districts
No of Tehsils/blocks
No of Gram Panchayats
Additional Information nan
Number of Indicators 166
Insights from the dataset Data Insights that can be drawn:Comparison of Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR), Worker Population Ratio (WPR), and Unemployment Rate (UR) across state.Educational attainment patterns and its relationship with unemployment rates.Insights into working hours distribution in different quarters of the year.Average earning patterns across different sectors and employment statuses.Distribution of workers across diverse industries.Comparative study of employment and unemployment patterns for different age groups.
IDP Ready Yes