Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id int4 index
month date Month
state_name text State Name
state_code text State Code
port text Port to Export
country text Export Country
pc_code text Principle Commodity Code
commodity text Commodity Name
units text Quantity Unit Measurement
quantity numeric Value of commodity quantity
dollars_value numeric Value of commodity quantity in USD
inr_value numeric Value of commodity quantity in INR

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated December 2, 2024
Metadata last updated December 2, 2024
Created June 24, 2024
Format CSV
License No License Provided
Additional infonan
Data extraction pagehttps://!/freeuser
Data insightsTracking imports and exports of a specific commodity over time can provide insights into trends in global demand and supply, as well as the competitiveness of domestic industries. Analyzing the geographic distribution of imports and exports can provide insights into trade patterns and the strength of economic relationships between countries. Examining the composition of imports and exports by industry sector can provide insights into the structure of the economy and its strengths and weaknesses. Correlating trade data with macroeconomic indicators such as GDP, inflation, and exchange rates can provide insights into the interplay between trade and the wider economy. Comparing trade data across countries can provide insights into comparative advantages and competitiveness, as well as potential opportunities for trade and investment.
Data last updated01-07-2024
Data retreival date2024-09-16 00:00:00
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyTrue
MethodologyThe dataset has been sourced from the online portal of the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, as available at the specified URL. It likely accumulates data from customs declarations, trade agreements, and other export-related documentation to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness in the dataset. However, users are advised to refer to the original source for any details about the data collection process or to verify the precision of the data.
No indicators3
Package id7e7496f7-c0f0-4397-af20-50f4bbd686d0
Size272.9 KiB
States uts no1
Tags['Trade', 'Exports', 'Commodity', 'Economic Data', 'Trade Balance', 'International Business', 'Regional Exports']
Url typeupload
Years covered2018-2024
Methodology The dataset has been sourced from the online portal of the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, as available at the specified URL. It likely accumulates data from customs declarations, trade agreements, and other export-related documentation to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness in the dataset. However, users are advised to refer to the original source for any details about the data collection process or to verify the precision of the data.
Similar Resources
Granularity Level State
Data Extraction Page!/freeuser
Data Retreival Date 2024-09-16 00:00:00
Data Last Updated 01-07-2024
Sku mci-dgcis_port_level_export-st-mn-him
Dataset Frequency Monthly
Years Covered 2018-2024
No of States/UT(s) 1
No of Districts
No of Tehsils/blocks
No of Gram Panchayats
Additional Information nan
Number of Indicators 3
Insights from the dataset Tracking imports and exports of a specific commodity over time can provide insights into trends in global demand and supply, as well as the competitiveness of domestic industries. Analyzing the geographic distribution of imports and exports can provide insights into trade patterns and the strength of economic relationships between countries. Examining the composition of imports and exports by industry sector can provide insights into the structure of the economy and its strengths and weaknesses. Correlating trade data with macroeconomic indicators such as GDP, inflation, and exchange rates can provide insights into the interplay between trade and the wider economy. Comparing trade data across countries can provide insights into comparative advantages and competitiveness, as well as potential opportunities for trade and investment.
IDP Ready Yes